How can I get Job?

Xeam Ventures
4 min readMay 9, 2019


Nowadays Getting Job is not an easy task. People with higher qualification even facing a lot of problems when they are searching for Jobs. In the current scenario, competition for taking the job is quite big, due to which employees have to work in low salaries. To get a Job, you have to compete positively.

There are several ways to Get Job, here I am going to discuss a few of them.

1. Always try to make your career in that field which has long run. When we are starting our career this is the point which gives a turn to your life. A wrong decision leads to dull life and Right decision leads to Bright future. Let’s take an example, in today’s scenario everybody is doing engineer and everybody wants to be a good engineer and they paid a lot to become an engineer but still after that he is not getting his expected salary, the reason behind this is huge competition. So, we have to think wisely here. Now the point comes, how to think wisely, let me elaborate this as well. As we all might now all the famous Job Portal. We can check from these portals that which technology or which work field has higher Jobs Available. This thing will give you a hint that which field you need to choose.

But sometimes, your career selection depends on our Area too, there might be chances that the particular field is famous in some other region should not famous in your current region where you want to get Job. Let’s take an example, let’s say a student belongs to JK or any other hilly area and want to become an engineer but he is confused in which field he should take that he can work easily near his hometown. Then if he thinks wisely he comes to know that in hilly area jobs of civil engineering are higher so he can make his career in Civil engineer field. In same this thing work for different scenarios.

2. Try to Make Good Resume/CV: Resume/Cv is one the most important point which can be the reason for your selection or rejection. A good resume always encourages recruiters to do interview call to candidate. Always try to add a summary in your resume at the initial. As whenever recruiter is screening resume they are in a hurry, they will take only 10–20 secs to decide whether they are going to call a candidate or Not.

3. Try to Apply in Reputed Company: There are many advantages to choose Big Reputed companies instead of choosing the local. One of the major benefits is you will get seniors who can guide, in this way you will be able to learn quickly and efficiently. Moreover, Job Security is there in case of Big Companies.

4. Market Research: Always do a marketing research for the company in which you are Applying, As in it will tell you how exactly the company atmosphere is and you will be able to know what company actually do, this thing will be helpful for you to make your resume more impressive according to the desire of the recruiter.

For Example: If a person with 0 years experience have to apply for sales executive post in one of known company, then what he will do as an initial step:-

a) First of all, he can check the company profile from the Internet. Like how many members are there in the company, what type of infrastructure a company has, what are the projects the company has and what kind of staff there are having.

b) Reviews: You can also check the company reviews given by other people and company employees. As we have many websites which can tell us about the company and its reviews given by people. Glassdoor, Mouthshut, and Google Reviews, etc are one of the known websites which can specify about the company and its reviews. A company with a higher rating means employees are happy with their company.

5. Checking JD: This is one of the most important tasks for the Jobseeker which can lead to his Job. Let’s continue the salesperson example, if a company wants to hire a salesperson and need some responsibilities then it will be good to build your resume/cv Accordingly. Trust me, this thing which increases the chances of your resume selection.

6. Getting Prepared for Interview: Always try to be in a comfortable form while giving the interview. No nervousness will be accepted. You need to confident and smart enough while giving your Answer. As if you answer to the question for which you don’t have an idea or have little bit Idea, and you answer the things which even you don’t know practically that will leads the recruiter to ask the questions from your answer and then in this case you will get stuck.

Let’s take an example: Let’s say, you are applying for profile and interviewer ask you question which you didn’t do it practically but theoretically you know ,then in this case generally 90% off the job seekers answer that question and get stuck further when interviewer asks further practical question from the Answer Given By You.

My suggestion would be, Always be clear in front of the interviewer if they ask any question which does not know, just say them, sir, i have little theoretical knowledge about this but I haven’t practiced it yet. Trust me, you will get credit even for this answer too.

So basically these are few points which can convert any Job Seeker to Employee of organization. If you are also a Job Seeker and Looking for Good Jobs, please refer this link: Current Openings

You will find multiple Jobs Here at multiple Locations.



Xeam Ventures
Xeam Ventures

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