Xeam Ventures
3 min readMay 7, 2019


Recruiters have the power to put you in touch with the job that could change your life (or at least move your career to the next step). As such, you want to impress these people, and wow them with how qualified you are for the next big opportunity.

1. Put Summary in Your Resume: Putting a summary in your resume is a very important part of resume making. In the initial go reader have some idea about the insights of profile. When recruiters are reading resumes, you have seconds, not minutes, to make a great first impression. Also, it’s nice to think that your resume is being read by someone sitting quietly at a desk, giving it his or her fullest attention. But as we all know, sometimes the hectic reality of everyday life gets in the way of that. This person might very well be reading your stuff on the go, or while trying to multitask.

2. Be Specific: This is where your resume objective or summary statement really comes in handy. Think of it as your headline. If you’re looking for a management position, don’t just say, “seeking a management position.” Add keywords that can help the recruiter guide you to the job that’s right for you. Instead, try, “experienced sales and marketing professional seeking a management role with an innovative tech startup.” This gives the recruiter some material to work with when trying to fill particular roles. It saves their time and yours from trying to make you fit in a role you don’t even really want.

3. Cover letter: We need to make an effective cover letter too in which we can mention the reason for looking a Job Change. If you’ve outgrown your role, frame it as “looking for a growth opportunity.” If you were laid off or fired, spin it as “looking for new opportunities.” Recruiters have very less time to judge this thing, so might they less attention to this point.

4. Show off your tech experience:
Make sure you’re putting your tech skills and expertise up front on your resume, possibly by using a combination resume format that puts a summary and your skills up front, followed by the standard reverse-chronological job experience bullets. Just about all industries these days are looking for people who can roll with new technology. Make sure you’re up on the tech trends in your field and learning them as necessary. That way, you can list these programs or processes proudly, front and center on your resume for recruiters and employers to see.

5. Accurate Data: Wherever possible on your resume, include concrete stats about what you produced or achieved. Produced 12 sales reports per year for the entire company. Met annual sales goals of RS 100,000 for the past four years. Again, you want to give the recruiter concrete information they can take and apply to the job description, or use to sell you to the hiring manager.

6. Include context about your current employer: A quick one-liner about what the company is, what it does, how it is sized, etc. can give the recruiter a very important context.

7. Explain gaps: Recruiters know what it looks like when you’re hiding information. If you do have gaps, try to give context in the cover letter. I was out of the workforce for a temporary personal matter, but am excited about bringing my expertise to this new role. Be honest — the recruiter can help you smooth gaps, but he or she can’t do anything if you offer no context.

If you are a job seeker and looking for Jobs, please refer to this link:



Xeam Ventures
Xeam Ventures

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